"My painting studio is a space of peace and tranquility. It’s on the main floor of my heritage home, a 170 year old stone house in the Ottawa Valley countryside, with two deep-welled windows, the original woodwork, bird’s-eye maple plank flooring, and gorgeous, sweet light."
- Karen Dover -
"A fabulous old fire-engine red chair is where I hang out when percolating thoughts, and when assessing and editing my works in progress."
- Karen Dover -
" I paint with my canvases hanging on nails, directly on the wall, and occasionally on the floor, up to five or six pieces at a time."
- Karen Dover -
"Of special importance is the works I have by artist friends in my studio, whose presence and energy add to the richness of the space, alongside some of my artwork, which acts as a nidus, or a springboard, for new works."
- Karen Dover -